Social media users in Indonesia are increasing today. Young adults aged 18 to 24 years old dominate around 39% of active Instagram users in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to understand the way couples use Instagram in developing their romantic relationships and in reducing their uncertainty at the initiating stage of relationship development. The method used in this research was qualitative with a phenomenological research approach. The researchers interviewed two romantic couples, young adults who were active Instagram users - they log in daily and actively engage in the platform. This study has shown that Instagram has replaced Facebook as the 1st information seeking tool and as the main platform for doing initial approach before face-to-face interaction in young adults. The tangible difference lies in how the stranger gets acquittanced on Instagram at the initiating stage and how they show off their affection of ‘in relationship’ at the bonding stage. Further, the result has indicated that Instagram is the most common means of passive uncertainty reduction strategy at the initiating stage of relationship development, followed by interactive strategy and last is active strategy.

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