COMMUNICATION STEREOTYPES OF FEMALE SMOKERS: A Case Study on Teenage Employees at Point Pool & Lounge in Kupang City


Wesley Mandolang
Petrus Ana Andung
Emanuel Sowe Leuape


There are many female smokers in Kupang City and they are often encountered. One of them is at the entertainment venue, Point Pool & Lounge. This has made the researcher interested in studying further the communication of stereotypes towards female smokers. The purpose of this study is: to describe the communication of stereotypes towards teenage female smokers who work at Point Pool & Lounge and 2 to find out the reasons women become smokers who work at Point Pool & Lounge. This type of research is qualitative with a case study method. The theory used is Labeling Theory. Data collection techniques in this study are in-depth interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of this study show that (1) female smokers are seen as naughty women and they get a double stigma in their interaction with the social environment and (2) the reason teenage girls smoke is due to social factors and cigarettes as a medium of expression as well as changes in social construction and lifestyle.


How to Cite
Mandolang, W., Andung, P. A., & Sowe Leuape, E. (2022). COMMUNICATION STEREOTYPES OF FEMALE SMOKERS: A Case Study on Teenage Employees at Point Pool & Lounge in Kupang City. ASPIRATION Journal, 3(2), 174–185.


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