
Eka Perwitasari Fauzi
Feni Fasta
Robert Jeyakumar Nathan
So Won Jeong


Indonesia, as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, holds a significant market share of the Islamic industry, especially for Muslim women. This study discusses how media constructs meaning for modern Muslim women's identity, in "Saliha" a program aired on Indonesia national television, NET TV. This qualitative research is conducted based on social construction of reality theory and using Stuart Hall's reception analysis method. The data was obtained via in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion. Findings indicate shifting views of Muslim women portrayed in television; these findings add to the continuous mediatization of modern Muslims, especially women. Thus, the existence of Muslim women continued to negotiate and be redefined through images, narratives, and knowledge constructed in media for market consumption.


Author Biographies

Feni Fasta, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia

Feni fasta is currently working as lecturer in Universitas Mercu Buana and is currently in her final year for her doctoral program at Universitas Indonesia.

Robert Jeyakumar Nathan, Multimedia University, Malaysia

Dr Robert is currently attached to Multimedia University, Malaysia as Senior Lecturer with the Faculty of Business. He conducts lectures and publishes in the areas of Marketing, Research Methodology and Leadership. He does corporate trainings for executives on leadership, human resources, organizational behavior, workplace communications, emotional intelligence and he passionately empowering staffs to create winnable relationships in their workplaces and at home.

So Won Jeong, Inha University, Republic of Korea

Dr. So Won Jeong is currently an assistant professor at Department of Clothing & Textiles
College of Human Ecology, Pusan National University. South Korea. She earned her doctoral degree at The Ohio State University Majoring in Retailing, Minor in Quantitative Psychology. Her research interests cover the area of Retail/Service Marketing, Distribution Management, International Marketing, Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior, and Consumer Behavior in Technology-Enabled Retail Environments

How to Cite
Fauzi, E. P., Fasta, F., Nathan, R. J., & Jeong, S. W. (2022). MODERN MUSLIMAH IN MEDIA: A STUDY OF RECEPTION ANALYSIS IN “SALIHA” PROGRAM ON NET TV. ASPIRATION Journal, 1(2), 137–165.


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