ASPIRATION Journal <div class="journal-description"> <p>"ASPIRATION" as the acronym of ASPIKOM Jabodetabek International Research Journal of Communication was launched in July 2020 and is published by ASPIKOM Jabodetabek Region, incorporation with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">APJIKI (Indonesian Association of Communication Science Publisher)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISKI (Association of Indonesian Communication Scholars)</a>.</p> <p>"ASPIRATION" is a double-blind peer review, open access, and scholarly journal that provides 7 traditions on communication studies. This journal publishes twice a year (July and November) with Online ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-1461</a> and has DOI with URL <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Detailed format for template article, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Journal Template</a></p> </div> en-US (Rustono Farady Marta) (Danang Trijayanto) Sat, 15 Oct 2022 10:21:59 +0700 OJS 60 COMMUNICATION PATTERNS OF THE MANGUNAN DISTRICT GOVERNMENT TO THE COMMUNITY IN MANAGING VILLAGE TOURISM POTENTIALS <p style="font-weight: 400;">As one of the Special Region of Yogyakarta districts, Mangunan has many tourism potentials, from artistic and cultural attractions, natural beauty, and human resources. It is a pity if the community does not appropriately use it. The district government must take advantage of its potential as a community representative and be trusted as a policymaker. This study aims to determine how the communication patterns carried out by the district government to the community in managing village tourism potential. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative research approach. This study uses data collection methods with structured interviews by conducting interviews with the district government as policymakers and three tourism object managers. For the data analysis technique, the Grounded approach offered by Miles and Huberman and the theory of message dissemination patterns by Guetzkow were used. The results of this study indicate that the communication pattern carried out by the Mangunan District government uses a simultaneous message distribution pattern, utilizing the district government to convey messages or information directly to tourism actors through regular face-to-face meetings and the WhatsApp chat application.</p> Mufid Salim, Sony Pangestu, Sergey Barykin, Kirti Dang Longani, M. Najih Farihanto Copyright (c) 2022 ASPIRATION Journal Sat, 15 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0700 THE LENTERA ANAK FOUNDATION'S COMMUNICATION STRATEGY ABOUT THE HAZARDS OF CIGARETTES THROUGH THE #SATUPUNTUNGSEJUTAMASALAH CAMPAIGN <p>The purpose of this study is to define and describe the Lentera Anak Foundation's (YLA) usage of communication methods. YLA is a social organization that works to fulfill children's rights in Indonesia and regulate issues that affect children. Researchers chose YLA because they are interested in public communication efforts such as the #SatuPuntungSejutaMasalah (ASingleCount) action, which aimed to raise awareness about the harmful effects of smoking. The researchers sought to know not only what techniques the organization utilized in the campaign and present the difficulties and opportunities they encountered but also to make meaning of the contribution it offered to society. This study employs a constructivist framework and a case study method. The findings, gathered through structured interviews and observation, demonstrated YLA's communication strategy delivering ten previously determined themes about the impact of cigarette butts. #SatuPuntungSejutaMasalah campaign utilized what the researchers termed as CORE Communication tactics: Collaboration for planning, scenario analysis, management, and issues; Organization for development of objectives, content, media, and strategies; Relevance for execution or implementation and the final stage, Engagement for assessment of the outcomes of the efforts performed</p> Cosmas Gatot Haryono, Eko Adit Prasetyo, Rowena Capulong Reyes Copyright (c) 2022 ASPIRATION Journal Sun, 31 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0700 CRITICISM THROUGH MEMES FOR REPRESSIVE ACTIONS IN PPKM DARURAT IN WHATSAPP GROUPS <p>In the current era of new media, social criticism as a form of freedom of expression and speech is easier to facilitate. New media such as Whatsapp groups, provide various features, which allow criticism in the form of memes, to be produced, distributed and consumed by virtual communities who are members of Whatsapp groups. This article examines how criticisms of the government's repressive actions in the policy of Imposing Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Emergency/Level 4 and 3 Java-Bali through memes circulated in the new media platform Whatsapp group, why criticisms expressed through memes were carried out through the Whatsapp group, and what else types of memes as a form of social criticism circulating in Whatsapp groups. Pen ResultseThis research shows that the PPKM Emergency/Level 4 and 3 Java-Bali policies are repressive in nature, drawing a lot of criticism in the Whatsapp group in the form of memes. Memes, which literally mean ideas that spread quickly from person to person, are even more certain thanks to the new Whatsapp media which is interactive, has a diffuse (not centralized) character, avoids state control, and is democratic. State actors who are in charge of PPKM are generally the target of social criticism through memes in Whatsapp groups.</p> Makroen Sanjaya, Erna Febriani, Kristina Nurhayati, Herdi Andrariladchi Copyright (c) 2022 ASPIRATION Journal Sat, 15 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0700 DIGITAL DRAMATURGY: PERFORMANCE ON SIMULTANEOUS VIDEO CONFERENCES IN CLASSROOM CONTEXT DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC <p>The new norm era forces people to do all activities from home, including working and studying. Data shows a significant increase in internet use during the pandemic. Longer working time, more online meetings, and sometimes they can be done at the same time (simultaneous meeting). Then, how does the Self perform if it has to be "fragmented" in one meeting or between meetings? This paper aims to identify the Self in digital dramaturgy through the performance of video conference application users in simultaneous meetings in the new normal era. This writing uses Goffman's Dramaturgy and Mead's Self as a framework with the constructionism paradigm. It uses observation and in-depth interview techniques as data collection methods. The results show that digital dramaturgy consists of preparation made at the backstage and self-performance on the front stage in a digital and non-digital setting. An interesting finding is that in live online meetings, Self appears on the front stage in the on cam (video camera is on) and mic unmutes position, but Self can be on the backstage when the cam is off (the video camera is turned off), and the mic is muted. However, when Self is in one of those situations, a third stage emerges, namely the In-between Region, where the performance is performed partly on the front stage and partly on the backstage.</p> Nurul Robbi Sepang, Sari Monik Agustin, Rizki Fillaili Copyright (c) 2022 ASPIRATION Journal Sat, 15 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0700 COMMUNICATION NETWORK ANALYSIS OF THE ANTI-RACISM TOWARDS ASIAN CAMPAIGN ON TWITTER <p>This study aims to determine the distribution of communication networks of the <br>#StopAsianHate campaign on Twitter. Using the theory of Computer-Mediated <br>Communication, this paper seeks to identify the campaign's networks in system level and actor <br>level. To achieve this, we used a quantitative approach of Communication Network Analysis <br>with the Netlytic and Gephi models, as well as the content analysis method. From the analysis, <br>we found 5 independent clusters in the network. On the level system, we found that information <br>exchange requires only 2 actors to be passed, actors retweet or like more than talk, most <br>conversations happened one-sidedly, network dominated by few actors, and network has a <br>clear division between the clusters represented. On the actor level, we identified two accounts <br>that played a dominating role in the campaign, that actors have a close relationship with other <br>actors, no influence in linking the distribution of information related, and found 6 top actors <br>with central role. Meanwhile, from the content analysis we found that the focus of the actor's <br>communication campaign is the sharing of opinions, information, and images.</p> Artha Wiguna, Widyo Nugroho, Rio Tuasikal Copyright (c) 2022 ASPIRATION Journal Sat, 15 Oct 2022 00:00:00 +0700